Wet Hot American Summer – Prescription
Wet Hot American Summer – Prescription

Decomposing Worm

Media MD


Pact Audiobook

Pact Audioz

Pale Audio

Pale Reflections

Pilot Season

The High Ground

I’m more of a Dry Cold American Winter person myself. That joke makes sense because I’m talking about SOUTH America, the opposite of regular America. Elliot prescribes Wet Hot American Summer, while Reuben is stuck on trying to guess which Avenger didn’t get paid. Rate us on iTunes

Okja – Diagnosis
Okja – Diagnosis

Decomposing Worm

Media MD


Pact Audiobook

Pact Audioz

Pale Audio

Pale Reflections

Pilot Season

The High Ground

It’s everybody’s favourite bundle of ham. Elliot gives us his thoughts on Okja. Reuben is still stuck on what dinosaur meat would taste like. Rate us on iTunes

Showdown – Dan Harmon
Showdown – Dan Harmon

Decomposing Worm

Media MD


Pact Audiobook

Pact Audioz

Pale Audio

Pale Reflections

Pilot Season

The High Ground

Elliot and Reuben argue about which of Dan Harmons shows is a better recommendation – Community or Rick and Morty. Grab your pitchforks, cause it’s a Showdown! Rate us on iTunes

Okja – Prescription
Okja – Prescription

Decomposing Worm

Media MD


Pact Audiobook

Pact Audioz

Pale Audio

Pale Reflections

Pilot Season

The High Ground

It’s the animal everybody is dying to meat. Elliot and Reuben discuss Okja. Rate us on iTunes

The Expanse – Diagnosis
The Expanse – Diagnosis

Decomposing Worm

Media MD


Pact Audiobook

Pact Audioz

Pale Audio

Pale Reflections

Pilot Season

The High Ground

Elliot and Reuben catch up after two weeks to talk again about The Expanse. This is our diagnosis episode on The Expanse, you can listen to the prescription for it here.

YMAE – Spectacular Spiderman
YMAE – Spectacular Spiderman

Decomposing Worm

Media MD


Pact Audiobook

Pact Audioz

Pale Audio

Pale Reflections

Pilot Season

The High Ground

Welcome to our first piece of off-week content. We’ll be doing a number of different formats for off-week content, but in general they’ll be slightly shorter episodes where we discuss media in different ways. You May Also Enjoy (YMAE) takes a look at a piece of media similar to something else we’ve discussed on the show. So, if you enjoyed Young Justice, You May Also Enjoy Spectacular Spiderman. Elliot and Reuben talk about the 2008-2009 Spiderman cartoon, Homecoming & Spiderman Memes.

The Expanse – Prescription
The Expanse – Prescription

Decomposing Worm

Media MD


Pact Audiobook

Pact Audioz

Pale Audio

Pale Reflections

Pilot Season

The High Ground

Elliot lasts 9 minutes before making an ‘Expansive’ pun. Surprised it took so long! Elliot and Reuben discuss SyFy’s The Expanse.

The Media M.D. Annual Checkup #1
The Media M.D. Annual Checkup #1

Decomposing Worm

Media MD


Pact Audiobook

Pact Audioz

Pale Audio

Pale Reflections

Pilot Season

The High Ground

It’s our first ever Annual Checkup! Elliot and Reuben discuss followups to all the media they’ve talked about over the past year. Timestamps for the episode: Welcome & Format Changes: 0:00 What is the Annual Checkup: 4:20 The Awards Ceremony: 6:02 #1 – 7 Ancient Wonders: 8:59 #2 – Sense8: 11:28 #3 – Firefly: 15:03 #4 – Reservoir Dogs: 16:09 #5 – Stargate: 16:33 #6 – Young Justice: 26:10 #13 – Worm: 27:40 #14 – Todd Sampson’s BodyHack: 34:37 #15 – Coherence: 38:32 #16 – Westworld: 39:56 #17 – Father […]

The Warded Man
The Warded Man

Decomposing Worm

Media MD


Pact Audiobook

Pact Audioz

Pale Audio

Pale Reflections

Pilot Season

The High Ground

A weirdly formatted episode today! We should have drawn our “don’t suck at podcasting” wards a bit better. Elliot and Reuben talk about The Warded Man. Part Two starts at 4:10

Guards! Guards!
Guards! Guards!

Decomposing Worm

Media MD


Pact Audiobook

Pact Audioz

Pale Audio

Pale Reflections

Pilot Season

The High Ground

This one goes out to the unloved. Elliot and Reuben discuss Terry Pratchett’s Guards! Guards! Part Two starts at 13:10